So... I guess I will be looking for some extra cash that may be lyin' around.... I reallllllyyy want a Macbook. They are way more reliable that stupid PCs.... Thats for dang sure. But.... they are definitely very pricey. My roommate got her Macbook from Craigslist for about $700. Which Is about $200 to $300 less than a new one. And she said that when she got it over Christmas break that it was only 3 months old. But then, when does that mean anything?? My computer, I bought was $200 and it was only 3 months old.... and do you see it up and runnin??? Nope. It is sitting in a soon-to-be dusty corner in my dorm... and the sad thing? I tend to get attached to my things. I really liked that computer. It was the first computer that I bought and owned by myself. But, trust me, I won't mind in the least if I can get a new computer that WORKS! Geez. If you can imagine, this is me right now:
Yeah. 'Cept add a few years on and maybe not the pig tails.... For real....
Now I am going to go and watch some sexy men play basketball :D