Saturday, December 4, 2010

Finally Out

So... last night was truly awesome, and I have many of my friends to thank for it, but the biggest one goes to Shelbs for inviting me to the bonfire!!! :)

Is it a little sad that the first semester of college is almost over and I have only stayed out past 1 only once?  I think so.  I love staying up late, but I never got the opportunity to actually go out.  I was stuck in my room or on campus time after time.   It felt so good to be able to come back at 3 in the morning and know that I had a good time and that I actually left campus behind. 

I hung out with some cool people, too!  I really hope I get to go again.  There were several people there that I think it would be awesome to become close too... but as we all know, Kelli has very bad luck with that stuff... :/

Well, today I get to go out again, but this time it is for a class.  We are going to a care center to do some service work.  We need to have about 3 hours for my Life of Christ class.  A lot of the girls who were at the bonfire last night will be there.  They are all pretty awesome :)  So I am looking forward to it!!!  Too bad I left my camera back at my room.....  Ain't no way I'm walkin all the way back there!!!

NEXT POST:  EXERCISE!!! lol. No, seriously it will be.

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