Sunday, May 26, 2013

Interning for the summer

         My junior year of college ended about a month ago. This means I am a college senior.  This also means that I am freaking out!  I am one year closer to being an Adult Adult.  Not just an adult.  We're talkin' the Big Leagues.  I am a nervous wreck!!  
         The summer between my sophomore year and junior year of high school, I was called into the ministry.  I didn't know what kind, and to be honest, I am still not exactly sure.  This past semester, I really felt God pulling me a certain direction and because of that, a door was opened for me through Intern Academy to do an internship.  The church that was chosen for me to go to was Highland Park Community Church of God in Casper, Wyoming.
This is the main entrance to Highland

Big ol' Sanctuary
         Interns get placed with a host family to live with for the next 10 weeks, and I was blessed enough to be welcomed into the home of Harold and Veronica Bradshaw, who just so happen to be the youth pastors for the church.  They are incredible people and their faith is so evident in their lives.  I am really hoping to get to know them a lot better over this summer.
         There are two other interns besides me.  Drew is from Florida and will be going to school with me next year. Victoria lives here in Casper and Highland is actually her home church.  I've met both of them and they are cool (so far) ;) Drew and I have already been told that we could be brother and sister. Well, he is 19 so at least I'm still the oldest. 
         My first impression of Casper was awe.  The only word that I think that could describe it would be: vast.  It is really flat, but still has a ton of hills, and mountains of course.  But you can see everything for miles on end.  This is a picture of Casper
 Isn't it gorgeous? It looks like an unbelievable backdrop.  Those mountains in the distance are actually right outside my bedroom window.  God is a little artsy don't ya think? 

         Anyway, today Drew and I met a few of the teens from the youth and they were pretty awesome to say the least.  God is with me and I am so pumped for what He has in store. He has already shown me a few things and it's only the end of day 3.

         Hopefully I'll be able to keep up this blog because not only do I want anyone who reads it to be as blessed as I know I will be through all of this, but I would also just love to have it to look back on and remember.  So, if you are reading this, you just got bamboozled into praying for me and this internship, and for God's work in me! I would greatly appreciate it.


  1. Looks like a beautiful church and beautiful country. You know I'm praying.

  2. Love reading your posts & praying for you daily :)

  3. That is so kool Kelly. You are going to have a great summer. I will be praying for your ministry. Be faithful and God will lead you to your proper path. Have a super time!
