Saturday, July 27, 2013

I can't stop smiling

I have been so incredibly blessed this summer.  I have been surrounded by amazing people, I've learned so much, and I've had an incredible experience this summer.  And to help prove it, as a 'going away' present, I was given one of one of the art sets that I have been drooling over for the past 7 years!!!

May I introduce you to (drum roll please).............  MEGA BOX:

Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils. Set of 132.  Yeah, I drooled, too.
Inside the beautiful tin exterior, it harbors the world's mysteries and the very essence of a rainbow. 
Prepare.... to...... die..... of...... overwhelming....... awesomeness.

I might have to take a trip to the E.R. because I'm going into shock from over-exposure to greatness.  #justsayin

In all seriousness, I am so blessed to know people who just want to bless others, like the one who gave me this little part of my dreams.  Thank you so much! And I PROMISE I will create something awesome! Just for you!!! Thank you!!!!!  AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh (That was me running in circles because of how excited I am about this!)

Ok, well, I've only got a week left here in Wyoming! I better start packing because time is gonna start flying really soon. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I miss reading!!

I have to admit, ever since I got into college, I haven't read hardly anything besides textbooks!  I miss my high school days when I would read like crazy.  I used to get so hooked into book series. Any time I had a little free time during class, I would take my book out and read it during class or I would sit in the back and read them under my desk even when the teacher was teaching! Then as soon as I got home from school, and I still remember doing this, I would run into my room, toss my backpack on the floor and then jump fly onto my bed and land with my book open to the last page I read (all in one fluid movement) and then read till dinner.

There are so many books I want to read or reread, but it seems the older I get, the less time I have to do read.  I miss going to Half-Price and buying like 7 books at a time!  I love going with my family. We usually spread out through the store as soon as we walk through the door, but it has been a Saturday tradition when I was growing up, so I always associate it with my family. 

My mom has a Kindle Fire, and I've always been a little interested in the reader tablets, but I love books too much to subject them (and myself) to a forever behind-a-screen existence.  I have always said that when I grow up and I have a house, I want to have a ton of book shelves filled with books.  I love all kinds of books, new, old, colorful, dirty, etc.  Books make me drool.  Yeah, you can quote me on that one. Haha

Have you ever seen Beauty and the Beast?  Do you remember the library the Beast gave Belle for a present?  Good lord, I just want to die every time I see that library.  Here's a picture to jog your memory:

So if I ever get rich enough, I'm going to aim as high as I can for something like this.  But let's be realistic. I'm never going to live in a castle, no matter how much my little heart wants to.  I have ideas, though, for what I could do to my house to make it look awesome. Here are some pictures I found that I absolutely love!

Hopefully my future husband is crafty enough to do something this awesome, or I'm rich enough to pay someone to do it. Haha.  Aren't they awesome??!!!!  I especially love the ladder/ 2 story idea.

Well, with that, I will conclude with notifying all my readers that I'm going to be accepting donations to Kelli's Ridiculously Awesome Library from now till forever. Thanks! :P

Monday, July 8, 2013

My Country Man :)

         So as most of you have noticed, I've got myself a boyfrannnn!!!

         I know all you guys up in Ohio are probably incredibly curious and want to know about this guy who has caught my attention, and I would be happy to tell you all about him!  I would tell you all about our relationship story, but that will come when I write my engagement post (haha just kiddinngggg!!!!.....maybe....)  ;)   Anyway!!  Onto the good stuff!

         We have 4 weeks till we've been together for half a year.  I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but I don't think time is the only judgement of a relationship.  I do think it is definitely a good factor. Believe me, I'm not rushing to get married or anything.  I stand by my past post about time being incredibly important.  Anyway, I have gotten to know this guy really well in the past half year, and we've gone through quite a bit of stuff that has just made us get closer together.  And it is really important to me that everyone else get to now him, too :)

         His name is John Kent, which, by the way, just happens to be the name of Superman's adopted father!  No, I will not name my son Clark. Come on people. :P  Also, I caught myself a baby!  He is gonna be 20 in April. Yeah, I know... I'm a cougar. Trust me, he reminds me all the time. 

         One of the things I love most about him is how surprisingly mature he is for his age.  He is so incredibly funny, but we've had some of the most serious conversations I've ever had with anyone.  He is so goofy, but can be incredibly serious and sincere just moments later.  

          When I first met him, I will be the first to admit that I threw him right into the stereotype of a dumb redneck.  His friends still won't stop teasing me about it.  But the moment I realized that he wasn't as dumb as I originally thought was when we were first texting each other and he was using words that average intelligent people don't even use. I was thoroughly surprised, but I just figured he was trying to impress me.  So having someone who I thought was a dumb redneck, and him being almost 3 years younger than me, I figured he wouldn't have much of a vocabulary, and not a whole lot of intelligence either.  (Just so you know, I was not interested in him at this point. I've got higher standards than that. lol)  Anyway, so when I realized he actually had a really good vocabulary, my interest definitely peaked a bit.  (By the way, his favorite word is discrepancy) Idk why, but it is and he tries to use it whenever he can.

          Anyway, as we started hanging out more and more, I became more impressed every time we hung out.  I quickly came to an understanding the first couple months, after trying to stump him or show off my own intelligence, that he is WAYYY smarter and more intelligent than me. Ok, maybe not more intelligent, but he definitely has more common sense than me (yeah I know what you are gonna say, Mom.  Most people have more common sense than me. Thanks. :P )  And you know what? I don't mind that he is smarter than me!  It drove me nuts when I would be talking to other guys and know that I was way smarter than them.  I like being able to ask him about stuff and get it explained to me.  And he is really good at dumbing things down for me.  He always uses his hands the same way when he explains things to me. It's so darn cute. haha

Ok!  Anyway, one of the most interesting things about my man is that he has his own company!  And he is only 19!! It's called K.O.R.E (Kent Off-Roading Equipment).    He makes bumpers (shown right), brush guards, roll bars, and other truck stuff.  

Don't ask me what he's welding. I've no idea.

He helps with his dad's company, Heli-Art, and so he has been welding since he was like 6. He constantly has people who have been welding 3x longer than him tell him they wished they could weld as well as he does.   

Fun fact about his dad's company:  His dad built the camera boat for Pirates of the Caribbean!!  ****MAJOR BROWNIE POINTS FOR THE FAMILY****

         So, more about John.  He is an Offensive Lineman on our university's football team.  I know nothing about football, but according to him, the offensive lineman is the smart lineman, apparently defense isn't.  HIS WORDS, not mine. :P   He's going to school for Business Management (obviously), haha, and is thinking about double majoring with Agriculture studies.

         He loves to hunt and fish and shoot guns.  I like to fish, and shooting guns is fun too! One time I was at his house out in the boonies (aka redneck country) and I asked him if I could shoot one of his guns and he happily took me outside and let me shoot a couple times.  Simple joys, people. Country is the way to go if you ask me!  I love that he is such a 'manly' man (for lack of a better word).  Everyone who knows me, ya'll know I could not deal with a feminine guy for very long.  If you can't wrestle, if you aren't stronger than me,   and if you aren't a classic gentleman, you can just turn around and go home.  Lucky for me, or maybe... lucky for John, he isn't feminine. At all.  He is so respectful and conservative, but he's not sexist.  He might pretend to be, but I know if I wanted a sandwich, he would totally make me one. Hahaha

My favorite picture :) Our first official date.
         I've always had a bit of a problem opening my heart to people which is why I've always struggled with getting close to people, but even in the first few times John and I hung out, I saw how incredibly genuine his heart was and I just instantly clicked with him. I'm not sure why, but I don't mind. I felt so comfortable and safe with opening up, I knew that our friendship might become something more, and it did :)

         He is a Christian, albeit a fairly new one.  It's been so awesome to see him grow and be able to answer his questions, and discuss things from the Bible, and just watch him really understand more and more what it all means.  I'm praying as the next few years go by, he keeps growing, and myself too.  God does awesome things and Him being in the center of our relationship is important to both of us.

Well, hopefully I gave a little insight for everyone.  You are welcome, and I hope that you guys up in Ohio can meet him someday :)