There are so many books I want to read or reread, but it seems the older I get, the less time I have to do read. I miss going to Half-Price and buying like 7 books at a time! I love going with my family. We usually spread out through the store as soon as we walk through the door, but it has been a Saturday tradition when I was growing up, so I always associate it with my family.
My mom has a Kindle Fire, and I've always been a little interested in the reader tablets, but I love books too much to subject them (and myself) to a forever behind-a-screen existence. I have always said that when I grow up and I have a house, I want to have a ton of book shelves filled with books. I love all kinds of books, new, old, colorful, dirty, etc. Books make me drool. Yeah, you can quote me on that one. Haha
Have you ever seen Beauty and the Beast? Do you remember the library the Beast gave Belle for a present? Good lord, I just want to die every time I see that library. Here's a picture to jog your memory:
So if I ever get rich enough, I'm going to aim as high as I can for something like this. But let's be realistic. I'm never going to live in a castle, no matter how much my little heart wants to. I have ideas, though, for what I could do to my house to make it look awesome. Here are some pictures I found that I absolutely love!
Well, with that, I will conclude with notifying all my readers that I'm going to be accepting donations to Kelli's Ridiculously Awesome Library from now till forever. Thanks! :P
Even though I read mostly on my Kindle, I still love a Library.