Sunday, November 10, 2013

Future Plans

         As most of you who read my blog know, I am a senior at Warner University and if all goes well and I pass my classes, I'll be graduating in May!  I am super excited but also a little scared.  I think that's a healthy thing though.  So, if you were wondering, here are the things that might be coming up in my future. 

         Since the summer between my sophomore and junior year of high school, I have known that I am going to be doing something ministry related with my career.  I finally figured out what exactly that would be just last year.  I am going to be a psychologist.  More softly put, a counselor.  I hope to be employed in a church, or organization, and maybe someday even have my own practice!  Because I want to become a psychologist, I am going to have to be licensed.  And in order to be licensed, I must have a master's degree.  This means another 2 years or so of schooling.  It is a little aggravating to feel that a lot of other people are moving right into their careers after college and I'm moving right into more school, but because I feel such a passion for what I'm being called to do, I am not too worried.  (Liking school doesn't hurt either.) 

         So, in order to pursue my master's degree, I have to go to a graduate school.  I really want to live in Florida after I graduate from Warner, so I have decided to apply to Asbury Theological Seminary in Orlando, FL.  I have applied and I am now in the application process. 

  Now, whether this actually works out or not is dependent upon quite a few things.  These are the things that I ask anyone who reads this to pray about with me.  Ok.  In order for this to all work out, I must find a job, an apartment or living arrangement, and a car.  The hard part about all of these is that I have no idea which should or will come first.  It's like a big ugly circle of needs that all depend on each other.  I need a car to go to my job.  I need my job to get a car.  I need an apartment or somewhere to live while I work at my job. And I need a job to afford that apartment or living expense.  See my dilemma?  I have no doubt that everything will work out how it needs to, but right now, it causes great anxiety when I think about it. Haha
Anyhow, this is what's going on right now, gotta keep y'all updated!! :D  Please keep this whole thing in your prayers and if you find any free cars, bags full of money, or anything like that, send it my way ;) Lol!